Wie schwierig ist es Imja Tse zu besteigen?
Modern Man
2012-04-28 09:58:33 UTC
Muss man viel Erfahrung haben? Hat jemand es schon geschafft? Ist es teuer sowas zu tun? Danke sehr fuer die Informationen.
Zwei antworten:
2012-04-28 10:04:56 UTC
Die Besteigung des Berges gilt als wenig schwer. Oberhalb des Basislagers auf 5.100 m führt der Weg zunächst unproblematisch bis zu einem Gletscher, nach dessen Überquerung eine bis zu 60 Grad steile Steigung bis zu einem Grat zu besteigen ist. Dieser Grat führt dann bis zum Gipfel.


To climb Island Peak, one has the option of starting from a base camp at 5,087 metres (16,690 ft) called Pareshaya Gyab and starting the climb between 2 and 3 am. Another popular option is to ascend to High Camp at around 5,600 metres (18,400 ft) to reduce the amount of effort and time needed for summit day. However, adequate water supply and concerns about sleeping at a higher altitude may dictate starting from base camp. Base camp to high camp is basically a hike but just above high camp, some rocky steps require moderate scrambling and up through a broad open gully. At the top of the gully, glacier travel begins and proceeds up to a steep snow and ice slope. From here, fixed ropes may be set up by the guides for the strenuous ascent of nearly 100 metres (330 ft) to the summit ridge. The climb to the summit is somewhat difficult due to steep climbing. On top, while Mount Everest is a mere ten kilometres away to the north, the view will be blocked by the massive wall of Lhotse, towering 2,300 m (7,500 ft) above the summit.
2012-04-28 17:26:44 UTC
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